Mouse Scroll Wheel doesn’t work in Visual Basic 6

By default, your mouse scroll wheel won’t work in Visual Basic 6. You’ll have to download a dll that will add the functionality to Visual Basic 6.

Some history of the scroll wheel can be found at the Intersting Thing of the Day website:

Although the scroll wheel was invented by Mouse Systems (now owned by KYE) in the early ’90s, its popularity skyrocketed in 1996 when Microsoft made it part of their IntelliMouse®.

I found it humerous that the company that popularized the scroll wheel, didn’t even support it by default in the software it sells. In 1998, when Visual Basic 6 was released, I suppose Microsoft had been selling scroll mice for 2 years. Oh well, I’m glad they provide a download that fixes the problem. 😉

One Response to “Mouse Scroll Wheel doesn’t work in Visual Basic 6”

  1. conradsharry says:

    dear joe,
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